Greatest Story Ever Told The Greatest Story Ever Told is a classic movie about Lent and Easter. There are several free opportunities for viewing with few commercial interruptions. The linked version is from You Tube. You can also…

How Bad Are We?

Author: Casey Chalk Image from the article and cropped How Bad Are We? There is an objective standard or law governing human behavior. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: “The natural law is written…

American Christianity Is Due for a Revival

Author: Timothy Keller Photo by Ismael Paramo on Unsplash Revival Due Keller, T. (2023, February 5). American Christianity is Due for a Revival. Retrieved from The Atlantic Online:

Sarah Zagorski

Sarah Zagorski's story is gripping. After her immigrant birth mother was referred to an abortionist in New Orleans, abortionist—Sarah was rescued. Although the doctor intended to leave Sarah for dead following a breech delivery at…

Jeanette Hagen-Pifer, PhD

Dr. Jeanette Hagen Pifer is a co-editor and contributor. She is a professor of the New Testament at Biola University, where she has taught since 2016. Her focus in research and teaching is on the…

Scott Rae, PhD

Dr. Scott Rae is the author of the essay, “More than the Sum of Its Parts: Philosophical Reflections on Human Personhood”. He is a prominent Christian philosopher and ethicist who serves as Dean of the…